NOTE: I've worked in this project at company CodeClinic Pvt. Ltd.
Project Description
It's blogging site. We have developed the admin panel from where the blogs details can be generate and publish at frontend. Also as per the description we have generated the audio of blog. So user can listen as well.
Jobs & Responsibilities
- I've developed the main database and basic project setup.
- In this project, there is 3 types of blogs over there Audio, Video and Writing Blogs.
- In writing blogs, i have developed the Text to speech functionality, with the use of Google libraries. So In CKEditor whatever things writes for the blog we have converted to Text to speech as well so user can play as an audio as well.
- In Video blogs, so admin user have an youtube video then they can attach in the video blog. We also developed private video won't be able to attach here and also fetch Timings of youtube to display over here.
- In Audio blogs, admin user can simply attach any kind of audio blogs. We are fetching timings and of Audio and display over there.
- Functionalities of multiple author's with the blogs and they can featured listing on web.
- Normal user can, add Likes and comments on the blogs.
- We have also developed Stripe payment gateway to get funding. User can one type of payment or they can do Recurring payment also.
- Only valid user can subscribe, so they can get alert when new blogs added according to their categories.