
NOTE: I've worked in this project at company CodeClinic Pvt. Ltd. 

Project Description

This is invoice generation for the Local shop. Once user purchase the receipt. We are providing the different types of receipt. So at their machine using our endpoint they can generate the receipt. We developed major two modules for Main Administration & Vendor.

Jobs & Responsibilities

  • I have collected the information fro providing document by client. & make the database for it. At the very first i developed the basic setup & provide the manage the tasks module wise. & make separate task assign to my team.
  • For that API failure we have integration Horizon Laravel package, So we can track the information of failure and why? 
  • Also, we have developed the, Third party payment integration M-Pesa for the transaction. 
  • Generating the multiple reports to track the information of vendors and also from vendor side they can see the valuable reports. 
  • We have done "Load Testing" in API's so from multiple accounts if got request then we have manage in it very well. 
  • Developed some export function in CSV/Excel to get the reports. 
  • On Digital receipt we have managed the advertisements and invoice tiny URL's send to customer's numbers.